Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why can we all just get along?

The last few days around here have been pretty crazy.

My dogs, Buster and Scout, have always had some issues with each other. But, over the past week or so, things have exploded. They fight ALL THE TIME. They're fighting right now.

The thing is, I'm pretty sure Scout is playing, or at least trying to play. But Buster is PISSED. Buster is also a teensy bit crippled so all Scout has to do is rile him up real good then jump on the couch. Buster can't get up there, so he just sits on the floor and barks and growls and stews until Scout gets brave enough to jump down again.

It has seriously been like World War III around here lately. I don't know what to do. We usually let them fight it out. Separating them doesn't do any good, Buster has a memory like an elephant. He just waits for his next chance to pounce on Scout. And sometimes they get along so well, you never know what's going to set them off.

Maybe I need Caesar.

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